Top 10 reasons to run a minimalist production (can be used for tv/web/feature film productions)

25 11 2009

Top 10 reasons to run a minimalist production (can be used for tv/web/feature film productions)

  1. Costs less money

a) less gear less to insure

b) fewer PC programs less to buy easier to use faster training

c) Smaller crew less payroll less insurance moves faster

2. Offers more creative solutions

a) forces the crew to work w/ different ways for dealing w/problems w/o the money to throw at it

3. Forces focus on the story not on effects

4. Work more effectively and efficiently

a) know the desired output of your project have the right programs to convert the audio and video to the end product

b) offers experiment w/ open source programs and/or cloud computing

c) offers more coordination across time zones (outsourcing)

d) allowing people to work to their strengths

5. Some positions could be outsourced

a) location scouts

b) script writer

c) editor/ after effects/ sound editors

d) publicist

6. Allows for flexibility

a) fewer distortion through the team “clearer communication”

b) faster to move “IE. Company move” fewer transportation costs

7. A small team is easier to motivate

a) have a like minded, energetic and focused team

b) get the best DP Script Sup and Sound guy/gal

8. If the project is profitable a bigger take for each member

9. Using speed as a start up tool

10. Faster turn around leads to availability of team members to take on more projects and allows for easier scheduling